The thesis work is divided to two phases. Phase I focus on Challenge Lab process based on the methodology of backcasting, from an outside in and an inside out approach. The outside in approach is related to knowledge input while the inside out approach is to research oneself. Challenge Lab students use design […]
Today’s society faces large environmental and societal challenges such as a rapid growing population and increasing CO2 concentrations. Challenge Lab at Chalmers is a multicultural initiate that aims to contribute to the transformation towards a sustainable society and this year, 2014, the focus has been on sustainable transportation and mobility. […]
This thesis consists of two parts. Part I describes the Challenge Lab method, which is a method developed for students to find a thesis research question to support transition into a sustainable society. The Challenge Lab method was carried out by 12 students during Spring 2014 and contains methodologies, tools, perspectives, theories and frameworks […]
Chalmers introduced a new challenge-driven lab, called Challenge Lab (C-Lab), in year 2014. We (two master students) and ten other students are the test pilots for this new type of education at Chalmers. The rst part of this thesis is about the entire C-Lab process, where the C-Lab team met with dierent stakeholders […]
Challenges coming along with global sustainability issues, e.g. climate change, cannot be solved with conventional, linear thinking approaches. Transition towards sustainability is a non-linear process and involved a wide variety of actors. Therefore it requires in-depth understanding of barriers and drivers that disable or enable transition in the current unsustainable system. Adopting systems perspective […]
This thesis consists of two parts. Part I describes the Challenge Lab method, which is a method developed at Chalmers for students to utilize their creativity to come up with innovative solutions for a change towards a more sustainable society. The Challenge Lab was carried out between January and June 2014 by 12 […]