On June 12-13, our 12 master’s thesis lab students from 2019 presented their theses to an audience of friends, family and interested stakeholders. Each presentation was followed by a short thesis defence, and a discussion with all people in the room. Watch the presentations below. Read the theses here:
Challenge Lab
VILLE KILPIÖ, NICKHIL SHARMA (2018) Gothenburg is increasing in density and population as well as expanding its residential and commercial spaces. Due to increasing needs of the city, the current transportation system is expected to face challenges and needs to grow into a more robust, dynamic and accessible system. The […]
Applying sustainable development in the urban transportation system demands a transformative and integrative intervention in many different areas. In this thesis two successive processes, Phase I and Phase II, were conducted in order to investigate opportunities for sustainable development in the urban transport system. During Phase I the research question of this thesis was […]
© JOHAN LARSSON AND AMANDINE LAUMONT, 2015. Increasing concerns are being raised about the symptoms of the present unsustainable trends linked to the systems we have built up to fulfill our needs. This calls for a transition in systems related to energy supply, mobility, agriculture, and consumption. In order to […]