As part of western Sweden transition towards a sustainable mobility system, this thesis investigates the role SMEs have in that transition. Indeed, four disruptive trends that could have that potential to transform mobility systems are; (a) electrification, (b) automatization, (c) connectivity and (d) shared mobility. Two main questions are answered regarding SMEs that are driven by innovation and developing solutions in relation to those trends; (1) what current role played by such entities, and (2) what perceived role supposed to be played by them. Accordingly, insights that VGR administration could consider, to assist SMEs overcome barriers and scale up their innovations, are identified and presented.
LINNEA JOHANSSON & GEORGIA MESSARITOU (2018) To address the sustainability challenge outlined in the United Nations document Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development within the given time-frame is by many perceived as a difficult, yet urgent and necessary task. Such a task requires incremental change to be […]
Sara Vagiström & Alice Whetstone (2018) Due to ambitious targets for a fossil-free Västra Götaland by 2030, development of local production facilities for renewable alternatives is urgently needed. Despite a push on biogas production by the Swedish government in 2015, that same year only 14% of the national biogas capacity […]
Applying sustainable development in the urban transportation system demands a transformative and integrative intervention in many different areas. In this thesis two successive processes, Phase I and Phase II, were conducted in order to investigate opportunities for sustainable development in the urban transport system. During Phase I the research question of this thesis was […]
© JOHAN LARSSON AND AMANDINE LAUMONT, 2015. Increasing concerns are being raised about the symptoms of the present unsustainable trends linked to the systems we have built up to fulfill our needs. This calls for a transition in systems related to energy supply, mobility, agriculture, and consumption. In order to […]