As part of western Sweden transition towards a sustainable mobility system, this thesis investigates the role SMEs have in that transition. Indeed, four disruptive trends that could have that potential to transform mobility systems are; (a) electrification, (b) automatization, (c) connectivity and (d) shared mobility. Two main questions are answered regarding SMEs that are driven by innovation and developing solutions in relation to those trends; (1) what current role played by such entities, and (2) what perceived role supposed to be played by them. Accordingly, insights that VGR administration could consider, to assist SMEs overcome barriers and scale up their innovations, are identified and presented.
NORA FISCHER & PER PERSSON (2019) Freight transports are an essential part of society as they enable both social and economic value. However, there are challenges connected to freight transports. Especially urban areas, where over 90 per cent of the Swedes will live in 2050, face challenges such as congestion, […]
GABRIELLA ERIKSSON & MARINA YARUTA (2018) The world is experiencing an ever-increasing exploitation of resources and the demand of goods is affecting the global trade routes causing increased pressure on an efficient and sustainable transportation system. This raises questions on how to provide and apply innovative solutions to organize a […]
VILLE KILPIÖ, NICKHIL SHARMA (2018) Gothenburg is increasing in density and population as well as expanding its residential and commercial spaces. Due to increasing needs of the city, the current transportation system is expected to face challenges and needs to grow into a more robust, dynamic and accessible system. The […]
Joel Torstensson, Patrik Andersson (2017) Mobility as a Service is a novel approach to mobility. There have been several eorts to incorporate the approach by trying to bring multiple mobility providers (MPs) together in one platform. In most of these eorts, one organization has acted as a broker for all […]
Adnan Barkin Dalmaz, Johannes Benjamin Moshe Hilke (2017) As the world is experiencing a fast-paced urbanisation, the demand for urban mobility is increasing. This raises the question of how to organise a functioning transportation system. The elements of such a system include a combination of public transportation services, active mobility […]
Anton Andersson, Vasiliki Chatzouli (2017) This thesis has been conducted in an innovative educational setting, that of the Challenge Lab at Chalmers University of Technology where students are equipped with tools and methods in order to identify 21st century sustainability challenges (Part I) and try to tackle them (Part II). […]
Otto-Maximilian Jandl (2016) Urbanisation puts tremendous stress on road infrastructure. Consequently, innovative solutions to cater for the growing population and subsequent need for increased transport of goods and waste in urban areas need to be explored. A modal shift from road transportation to inland waterway transportation can be beneficial for […]
Amanda Blomqvist, 2016 This thesis was conducted within the Challenge lab with the purpose of finding a mobility service that can function as an alternative to a private car in the developing area Frihamnen in Gothenburg city. The thesis describes a transport service package aimed to enable the new Frihamnen […]
Aako Raoofi, 2016 The concept of sustainable development has failed to make radical changes in today’s behavior. This concept has not been incorporated into the engineering practices. Change over time is certain what those changes would be is uncertain. Lock-ins in existing socio-technical system are strong barriers against radical changes. […]
Applying sustainable development in the urban transportation system demands a transformative and integrative intervention in many different areas. In this thesis two successive processes, Phase I and Phase II, were conducted in order to investigate opportunities for sustainable development in the urban transport system. During Phase I the research question of this thesis was […]
The thesis work is divided to two phases. Phase I focus on Challenge Lab process based on the methodology of backcasting, from an outside in and an inside out approach. The outside in approach is related to knowledge input while the inside out approach is to research oneself. Challenge Lab students use design […]
Today’s society faces large environmental and societal challenges such as a rapid growing population and increasing CO2 concentrations. Challenge Lab at Chalmers is a multicultural initiate that aims to contribute to the transformation towards a sustainable society and this year, 2014, the focus has been on sustainable transportation and mobility. […]
Chalmers introduced a new challenge-driven lab, called Challenge Lab (C-Lab), in year 2014. We (two master students) and ten other students are the test pilots for this new type of education at Chalmers. The rst part of this thesis is about the entire C-Lab process, where the C-Lab team met with dierent stakeholders […]
Challenges coming along with global sustainability issues, e.g. climate change, cannot be solved with conventional, linear thinking approaches. Transition towards sustainability is a non-linear process and involved a wide variety of actors. Therefore it requires in-depth understanding of barriers and drivers that disable or enable transition in the current unsustainable system. Adopting systems perspective […]